I created a presentation and activity to teach my class of soon to be secondary teachers about the prominent educational theorist Guy Claxton. Guy Claxton’s theory was called building learning power which prioritizes building up student characteristics and improving student enjoyment of learning. Building learning power relies on the four R’s: resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness, and reciprocity. Resilience is the willingness to search for and participate in new learning opportunities. Resourcefulness is willingness to leave your comfort zone and learn in new ways. Reflectiveness is starting with a learning plan, watching the situation, then adapting with new knowledge. Reciprocity is balancing individual self confidence and collaboration to learn with others. In order to implement and cement the learning I had my classmates build their own learning power by representing learning powers in a cutout of themselves. 

Left: My example of the activity that I used to model the activity to the class
Top right: All of the finished products produced by the class
Bottom right: A close up look at some creations made in the class